Meant to Shine

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

by Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 20: A Song that You Listen to when You're Angry


Because today's theme is a song that I listen to when I'm angry, today's post [from now on] will be written in my best pirate interpretation [because pirates are perpetually angry. [Also because I found a pirate translator online.]].  So angry song of the day is...

"U+Ur Hand" by Pink [or P!nk, I'm honestly not sure how she prefers it...]. In general, Pink is excellent angry music, especially when one is pissed about men [or stupid girls for that matter]. She's also a favorite when I'm not even mad, but want to sing/scream really loud. [This sort of spectacle usually occurs in my car with the doors tightly sealed. Fun fact: I have hand drummed on my steering wheel hard enough to make my radio skip. What can I say? I go hard.] Oops. Forgot about the pirate thing... Arrg, whar's me booty?!

I haven't decided how I feel about Pink as a person yet. Watching her E! True Hollywood Story [Yes, I actually sat through that.] you'd think she's kind of a selfish wench. But she also seems to be a genuine and talented person [I suppose it is possible that she's both genuine and talented while still being a selfish wench. Maybe she is genuinely a talented, selfish wench. Or perhaps a wenchingly selfish, genuine talent.] But I thoroughly enjoyed her interview with Brad Pitt and the rest of Ocean's 11, it made me like both of them a lot more. [I'll leave you to make your own assessment of Pink's moral character:]

[I have returned from my 20 minute Pink YouTube binge to finish this blog.] The cool thing about Pink is that she could be a normal person. If she was lacking her golden pipes and was plopped down in a mall in the middle of the Midwest, she'd be written off as one of those posers who hang around the mall [You know the ones]. You could hang out with Pink, be Pink's neighbor. [Now Brad Pitt on the other hand, could not be plopped anywhere without getting a few looks.] I like the celebrities who maintain a sense of humanity rather than stardom. She seems pretty cool to me.

So here's to jam sessions alone in the car, E! Hollywood specials, and celebrities who are still people.

[Oops... I have entirely abandoned the pirate theme.... guess I'd make a poor pirate. Bummer.]

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 19: A Song from Your Favorite Album

[Insert creative greeting here.]

So I did this exercise in my Psych Lab manual that measured my sleep deprivation level. Apparently this whole not sleeping thing is causing my general quality of life to suffer. It causes me more accident prone, prone to memory defects such as temporarily forgetting one's phone number or what day it is. Wow. I just thought I was going crazy. 

New resolution: Sleep more. 

Now we will steer back in the 30 Day Song Challenge direction. Today is a song from my favorite album, which is really exciting, because I love a good album.  [Note: I also love a good single.] But I like to buy CDs so I can listen to the music how the artist intended. There's something about listening to a CD from beginning to end. Here's the problem: Now I actually have to pick one.

I'm gonna make a decision. I made my decision. Decision made. [If you can name that movie, you'll be my best friend.]

I'm going to go with "Code Name: Raven" by House of Heroes from their album "The End is Not the End." This song holds a special place in my heart because it comes from the alternative rock era of my life [Also known as the dark ages. Better known as my sophomore year of high school.] It is one of the few pop-rock albums that I have not grown weary of. While All Time Low lost its flavor and All American Rejects faded into the background, House of Heroes somehow maintained. 

I first encountered House of Heroes when they opened for Relient K at House of Blues. [P.S. This was my first concert experience ever.] To be honest I kind of looked over them. They had a good looking singer and not much more. But a few months later, [after I had actually paid attention to the music] I fell in love. Every song on that album [with the possible exception of "Drown," which has grown on me since] is fabulous, thought-provoking, and unique. As far as I am concerned, House of Heroes is an undiscovered treasure. Check them out. [Just found out that "The End is Not the End" is not their most recent album, so I am off to listen to that.] 

I'll leave you with that. Here's to concerts, bands worth recognizing, and catching up on some well-deserved sleep. Warmest regards.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 18: A Song that You Wish You Heard on the Radio

I'm back!

I was feeling on a roll from yesterday's post [which I enjoyed a little too much], so today I am back and ready for more 30 Day Song Challenge fun [as you are, I'm sure]. Today's song is a song that I wish I heard on the radio, which is interesting because [like I mentioned yesterday] I don't listen to the radio at school. But for the sake of completing this much-more-than-30-day song challenge, I will cooperate.  I wish that I heard...

"I Get a Kick Out of You" by Frank Sinatra. Every time I hear this song I sigh a little. It's just so freaking adorable. [A good kind of adorable, not a gag-me-with-a-spoon kind of adorable] So obviously, anything that makes me happy should be played on the radio for everyone to enjoy, because I am the connoisseur of all that is right, and all that is beautiful, and pleasant [also run-on sentences].

But I have a soft spot for "Anything Goes." I was a tap dancer [Yea, I know. Weird, right?] in our high school's rendition my sophomore year. From the first rehearsal, I fell in love with this song [although I prefer it in a man's voice]. I also fell in love with the rest of the musical. If you haven't seen it, you best be getting on that.

After that year and after many long rehearsals [and extra tap practices on a plywood board in our basement], I couldn't stand to listen to the songs any more. But "I Get a Kick Out of You" was revived by Elizabeth Robinson [shout out!] on a CD of random music that she made for me. And I fell head over heels [again] with Frank Sinatra, the song, the musical, and anything nautical themed [but that may have more to do with being a Delta Gamma than anything...].

It's been a fun trip down memory lane, I am off to download the rest of the "Anything Goes" soundtrack and further procrastinate homework. Here's to tap dancing [whether you are good or bad], musicals, and the revival of the good ol' songs. Anchors away!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 17: A Song that You Hear Often on the Radio

Hey there, it's been a bit.

How've you been? [Is "how've" a word? It looks like it shouldn't be, but I guess so.] With spring break and midterms, I have been seriously lacking in my blogging. So, this is me admitting that I have a problem and taking the first step towards fixing it. Today's theme is a song that I often hear on the radio [Which is a problem, because I don't have a radio or a car that comes equipped with a radio.]

But if I were a radio-tuner-inner, [looks like we are on a vacation in hypothicaland today] I would most certainly know that "Grenade" by Bruno Mars is a song that plays on the radio with annoying frequency. But now that I've said that, I have to confess. I have recently downloaded this song for my own listening pleasure. [You may have heard it enough, but we college kids without cars or radios, [or have a car, but are tragically without a radio] have not.] I can't help it! It's so catchy!

Yes, the lyrics are not incredibly thought out, but they are meant well. Poor guy, he'd chop his hand off for this chick and she won't give him the time of day. [Although I cannot think of a possible situation where a man would be required to sever his hand to save someone... Maybe an epic duel?] You've got to sympathize with him though, he's fallen hard for a girl who just doesn't give a rat's pattootie about him. Maybe she's not into short men, Bruno is kind of a little guy.

By the end of the song, I'm really not sure if I want to hug or slap Mr. Mars. On one hand, I understand and respect his blind and undiscriminating love. But a little voice of reason tells me not to catch a grenade for a frigid bitch.

Lesson of the day: Do not step in front of trains for women who are prejudiced against short men.

If you have survived that whirlwind of a post, congratulations, I'm impressed. Here's to rambling, overplayed radio tunes, and unconditional love. Cheers!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 16: A Song that You Used to Love but Now Hate


I was depressed by the fact that I only blogged twice in the entire month of February, so I'm back for more. I'm going to try to get this 30 Day Song Challenge finished by the end of the school year. [That is not such an ambitious goal considering this is only supposed to take 30 days and I started in December.] Today's song is a song that I used to love, but now hate. And that song is...

"Sailing" by 'N Sync. I loved 'N Sync. They were the first CD I ever owned. [I got their first CD and a boom box for my 9th [I think] birthday.] And I loved this song. But I listen to it now and I am just irritated, for a number of reasons: 1) This song is a cover. Christopher Cross is the original artist. The original is magical. 2) This song is so boy-bandy that it makes boy bands cringe. [Perhaps it is the Mariah Carey inspired oohs.] However, I do give 'N Sync some credit, their cover is better than Barry Manilow's [That may just be because I hate Barry Manilow.]

Side note: I have nothing against covers, but you really should avoid covering a song that you have nothing to add to. You don't have to make it better [if it's worth covering, there's probably not much you can do to make it better]. But Add something to it. Make it your own. Don't cover a song for the sake of covering it.

Anyway, I have stuff I should be doing. Thanks for reading. Here's to boy bands. Here's to Barry Manilow. And here's to songs worth covering.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 15: A Song that Describes You


[Yes, that was Mean Girls.] Anyway, hey there, friends. Today's song is one that describes me. Which is perfect, because I have absolutely no idea which song that is. [3 hours pass...] I'm back. This blogging window has been open, incomplete for some time now, but no worries. I have come up with an excellent song to satisfy your viewing needs....

"Crazy as Me" by Alison Krauss. ["Another country song!?" the haters scream. "No..." I reply. "Its bluegrass."] Its a little depressing that I identify with this song so much, but for some reason, the lyrics always hit home. Essentially its about a woman who has resigned herself to living alone [besides a few petty relationships] because she hasn't met a man who can keep up with her. She doesn't want a hypocrite, she doesn't want a lady's man. She just wants somebody that understands her. What I love best about the song is she says that she's not going to change herself to accommodate a man. She loves her life, she does her thing, it'd just be cool if there was a guy to do it with. [I love to ride alone and sing a song and listen to the radio, you can ride along and if you change your mind, well, that's just fine, but there's somethin' that you've got to know...] That's kind of the story of my life...

But anyway, I love Alison Krauss. She can sing. She can play. She's awesome. Check her out. Its time for me to go, so here's to good musicians, good music, and strong women. Good night and good luck.

[PS That was Day 15, so we're only halfway there.]